To get past the Friend level with a girl you must have completed 1 date successfully ending with a kiss and you must have given them at least 1 gift that they liked.
Hello, can you tell me, please, where to find a monstrous mask for Neruko? And another question, are there different entrances to the cave? Because the only one I know (near the park) is quite limited in space. Literally three corridors and that's it. The mini-map in the cave shows that there should be a certain door, but in fact there is just a wall, which I do not understand what to do
Right now you can purchase the Monstrous Mask from the Grocery Store.
Regarding the park's cave, there's only that entrance, currently it's a small dungeon yeah, and the "door" you see in the minimap is kind of saved for an event that will come in the future.
You can also try the sewers dungeon at Downtown, that one is randomly generated everytime you enter so there should be more plenty of loot there ;)
There is also a manhole in the street somewhere... it is an entrance to a much larger dungeon. Check uptown or downtown. ...... Plus eventually you will discover a dungeon in a grave yard while completing a quest.
Indeed a very in-depth game. Excited to eventually have the other CG events filled out! Why is recoving energy by sleeping so inconsistent? I'll sleep from 4pm-5pm and recover like 60 energy, but then sleep from 12:30am-7:30am and recover like 10. Very confusing, counterintuitive, and frustrating. If there's some hidden mechanic I'd love an explaination or tutorial
Once you finish her main collar search quests. Depending if you reached Lover or Soulmate level with her you may have unlocked her Intimate or Undressing actions.
Additionally, she will tell you you can bring her any extra collars (there's like 3 additional common collars) you can find and that will unlock an extra sex scene. This is also a second chance to raise her friendship level further in case you didn't reach Soulmate with her the first time.
Also, this game is really good I have finished all of the quests that I can find and I loved doing them and reading the story, really great game keep up the work.
When I go to do an intimate action or ask for Arane or Akira to undress they say that they are not in the mood, how do I get them to get into the mood? When I tried to talk to them they still did not want to do anything.
You don't need to have both as soulmates, each of them should be independant from each other.
However I just checked and the conditions I had for the Intimate actions require you to have them at 100% Soulmate, basically a perfect score on their quests.
I can see this being a bit too strict, so I will have to tweak this around and do another release.
There's a plan on adding a gallery in the future. However, if you finish Arane and Akira's stories with their friendship level at Soulmate, it should unlock the Intimate actions to have sex with them.
Rare Catnip is no longer an item in the game, I need to remove the option from the dialogue.
Someone else has been asking about this same matter as well, this was my answer:
You don't need to have both as soulmates, each of them should be independant from each other.
However I just checked and the conditions I had for the Intimate actions require you to have them at 100% Soulmate, basically a perfect score on their quests.
I can see this being a bit too strict, so I will have to tweak this around and do another release.
1 more thing, what is the fastest way to have sex with a girl in your house, I have been stuck on the "Have sex with 2 girls in your house while Nake watches" quest for a while.
Have you finished all of her quests? Depending on the options you picked during all her quests you should have gotten a some H scenes.
If you finished all of her story quests and you reached Soulmate friendship with her you should have unlocked the Intimate actions to have sex with her.
Thank you so much! That is really admirable and respectful from your side to respond so fast even nowadays after a long time. Thanks for the awesome game and soul you put in it <3 Keep it u
The game is still not fully optimized for mobile yet, specially Safari is known for having some limitations, so I would recommend Chrome. Also the game is meant to be played on landscape mode so keep your phone horizontal.
You can only enter Arane's place after she gives you the key.
You can find a job in different spots, like the Cafe, Grocery Store, the beach's ice cream store, just talk to the character in charge of it and select the "Ask" action and pick the job option.
what do i have to do to get the key? i kept talking to her but she always says the same. And i bought the concert ticket, how and where do i use it? and i tried to date someone but every time i try to kiss they don't accept, i tried many possible ways, is there a trick?
yea i tried to gift them, but i can't find the items they want and in the quest log it just says go to that street and like go to eat with Arane, could you tell me which quest and what i have to do?
Oh yes, you definitely need to pick the right options through the date to increase the chances of getting a kiss. Also giving the right gift increases those chances.
Hi Gabe! I gotta say I had never tried Opera GX, I just did and the game renders amazing!
I also tried on the official site and I was able to make the game fullscreen pressing F11, also Local saves are working properly after giving permission to the browser. I believe Opera GX runs on Chromium so it should behave pretty much the same as Chrome where I've done most of my tests.
Hello. I was looking through your screenshots and noticed that you have white text on white background. Is it possible to add dark mode to your game or change text/background color if you don't know how to add dark mode yet? It would help those with bad eye sights who thinks this game looks interesting to play. A lot of Devs don't think about that sometimes and that's where they can get more people to play their games.
Hi DNChevy, unfortunately I have encountered this is a security issue when Itch embeds a web game it does not allow the browser to access the file system for the local saves to work.
My suggestion is if you're planning to use local saves to play directly from
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how do u have sex
The ice cream shop is right at the Beach, you need to talk to the girl that manages the shop and ask her for any jobs.
Hey there,
To get past the Friend level with a girl you must have completed 1 date successfully ending with a kiss and you must have given them at least 1 gift that they liked.
Thanks for playing!
Hello, can you tell me, please, where to find a monstrous mask for Neruko? And another question, are there different entrances to the cave? Because the only one I know (near the park) is quite limited in space. Literally three corridors and that's it. The mini-map in the cave shows that there should be a certain door, but in fact there is just a wall, which I do not understand what to do
Hi there!
Right now you can purchase the Monstrous Mask from the Grocery Store.
Regarding the park's cave, there's only that entrance, currently it's a small dungeon yeah, and the "door" you see in the minimap is kind of saved for an event that will come in the future.
You can also try the sewers dungeon at Downtown, that one is randomly generated everytime you enter so there should be more plenty of loot there ;)
Thanks for playing!
Thanks for the answer! Good luck with your project. I really liked it, I hope for its continuation
There is also a manhole in the street somewhere... it is an entrance to a much larger dungeon. Check uptown or downtown. ...... Plus eventually you will discover a dungeon in a grave yard while completing a quest.
Indeed a very in-depth game. Excited to eventually have the other CG events filled out!
Why is recoving energy by sleeping so inconsistent? I'll sleep from 4pm-5pm and recover like 60 energy, but then sleep from 12:30am-7:30am and recover like 10. Very confusing, counterintuitive, and frustrating. If there's some hidden mechanic I'd love an explaination or tutorial
Hi there!
I tried to replicate your issue but whenever I sleep the energy recovers just fine.
There are 2 factors that affect Energy consumption (not recovery):
1. Toxicity: If you have consumed some alcohol, your Energy consumption will slightly increase until you're back to 0% Toxicity.
2. Health (not HP): Good meals increase the Health stat. At 0% the Energy consumption doubles up.
Are you perhaps sleeping with an Alarm set?
Feel free to jump into Discord if you have a way to reproduce the issue and we can troubleshoot it.
Is there any interaction with mooni? Except for the collar event?
Once you finish her main collar search quests. Depending if you reached Lover or Soulmate level with her you may have unlocked her Intimate or Undressing actions.
Additionally, she will tell you you can bring her any extra collars (there's like 3 additional common collars) you can find and that will unlock an extra sex scene. This is also a second chance to raise her friendship level further in case you didn't reach Soulmate with her the first time.
my save file has an older version of the game but I dont want to start over again is there any way to transfer saved file to new version
You should be able to continue your progress, the latest build I just released yesterday was v0.3.2 and I've kept it backwards compatible since 0.1.6
If you're playing on browser try clearing your browser's cache.
ok ty so much
Also, this game is really good I have finished all of the quests that I can find and I loved doing them and reading the story, really great game keep up the work.
I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far! Thank you for playing! 🙏
Did you get to play Neruko's story?
Yes I finally got it thank you, and I loved all the characters I meet while playing it.
When I go to do an intimate action or ask for Arane or Akira to undress they say that they are not in the mood, how do I get them to get into the mood? When I tried to talk to them they still did not want to do anything.
The Intimate actions require you to manage their Lust stat. The same works for the random NPCs, you use the Kiss intimate action to raise their Lust.
However, I gotta say I'm still working on the main characters' post-main story mechanics so there may not be a way to raise their Lust yet, my bad.
I've added this to my high priority list.
I don't see intimate actions with Arane or Akira but I have both of them as soulmates and finished all their quest. Is I bugged?
You don't need to have both as soulmates, each of them should be independant from each other.
However I just checked and the conditions I had for the Intimate actions require you to have them at 100% Soulmate, basically a perfect score on their quests.
I can see this being a bit too strict, so I will have to tweak this around and do another release.
I'll try to tweak this soon and do a release.
Thanks for keeping me updated on this!
v0.3.1 should be out now with this fixed. You may want to clear your browser's cache just in case.
There is no zombie/enemy to hit of fight during the Rarest of Hilts quest it only shows arrow and 50 health of the enemy that isnt there
Hmm can you please clear your browser's cache and try again? Since the new release just went out yesterday, it could be the reason.
Are you playing on mobile or desktop? And which browser?
Actually, I believe I may have fixed it. Please let me know if you can check again, thanks in advance!
Thank you I will check on it
will there be a gallery to see past events like having sex with akira and arane and neruko
also where can i find rare catnip
There's a plan on adding a gallery in the future. However, if you finish Arane and Akira's stories with their friendship level at Soulmate, it should unlock the Intimate actions to have sex with them.
Rare Catnip is no longer an item in the game, I need to remove the option from the dialogue.
(Sorry for the late reply)
I finished on soulmate with Arane but I dont see the intimate actions or how to have sex with them(or maybe I dont know how)
and i didnt finish on soulmate with Akira(just Arane)
So would I need both of them to be soulmate?
Someone else has been asking about this same matter as well, this was my answer:
You don't need to have both as soulmates, each of them should be independant from each other.
However I just checked and the conditions I had for the Intimate actions require you to have them at 100% Soulmate, basically a perfect score on their quests.
I can see this being a bit too strict, so I will have to tweak this around and do another release.
I'll try to tweak this soon and do a release.
Thanks for keeping me updated on this!
v0.3.1 should be out now with this fixed. You may want to clear your browser's cache just in case.
ok thank you just saw the update on patreon i will check it out
1 more thing, what is the fastest way to have sex with a girl in your house, I have been stuck on the "Have sex with 2 girls in your house while Nake watches" quest for a while.
When you invite a girl to a date at your house, you gotta give them their favorite type of food and drink to boost their Mood.
Unfortunately right now there's not an easy way to know what their favorite type is, you gotta buy different dishes and drinks and try them.
Also how can I have another sex scene with Aran after I complete her quests?
Have you finished all of her quests? Depending on the options you picked during all her quests you should have gotten a some H scenes.
If you finished all of her story quests and you reached Soulmate friendship with her you should have unlocked the Intimate actions to have sex with her.
Where are all of Mooni's collars I cant find them.
having issues creating an account
Sorry to hear that, what kind of issues? Any specific error?
why doesnt game auto save I love this game but each time I reload the page i have to restart completely
Hi there, you mean you have to restart from the last point you saved manually? or literally from the beginning?
The game autosaves only after you sleep, but you must be playing a saved game for the autosave to work.
I never pressed saved game so that must have been the problem ill try that out and get back to you if it happens again ty for the advice/info
auto save is working now :)
How do i complete the quest of finding out about the second job of Akira
You have to visit the Nightclub
Thank you so much! That is really admirable and respectful from your side to respond so fast even nowadays after a long time. Thanks for the awesome game and soul you put in it <3 Keep it u
Thank you very much for trying it out! :)
combat doesn't work for me, i can't click on the enemy.
Are you playing on mobile or desktop? And which browser?
Feel free to join the Discord server if you have more details about this issue.
yea i played on mobile, safari, but when i flipped my screen i could attack, there was an big arrow in front of the enemy
The game is still not fully optimized for mobile yet, specially Safari is known for having some limitations, so I would recommend Chrome. Also the game is meant to be played on landscape mode so keep your phone horizontal.
What item do i need to visit Arane's place? and how do i get a job?
You can only enter Arane's place after she gives you the key.
You can find a job in different spots, like the Cafe, Grocery Store, the beach's ice cream store, just talk to the character in charge of it and select the "Ask" action and pick the job option.
what do i have to do to get the key? i kept talking to her but she always says the same. And i bought the concert ticket, how and where do i use it? and i tried to date someone but every time i try to kiss they don't accept, i tried many possible ways, is there a trick?
You have to play through Arane's story to get the key. Your Quest log should have the leads to her events.
The concert ticket should allow you to start a new character story in Downtown.
For the dates you gotta pick the right answers for the character's personality and definitely make sure to bring a gift before trying to kiss them.
yea i tried to gift them, but i can't find the items they want and in the quest log it just says go to that street and like go to eat with Arane, could you tell me which quest and what i have to do?
Hello I have a question. How to increase lvl of charm?
Hi there, relaxing at the Spa in Uptown raises the Charm stat.
у меня проблема когда начинаю играть пару анимаций проходит а потом просто черный экран либо кнопки действий не нажимаются и игра зависает
Are you playing on desktop or mobile? And may I know which browser are you using?
I verified and all services are online.
Are you getting any particular error? How are you logging in? Patreon Login or plain User and Password?
Feel free to join the Discord server and bring up any issues so I can help troubleshooting
Hmm sorry to hear that. I would suggest click on Forgot Password and reset your password.
If not please join the Discord server and DM me, I will be happy to help.
I cant load a save i made locally
Are you getting an error or how are you not able to load it?
No error message but it takes takes an eternity to load a save, I've let it load for over an hour.
Hmm, feel free to jump into the Discord server so I can help you out troubleshoot this better.
Is it only with that particular save file?
not with the particular save file rather all of the ones created. Im trying to reinstall it first if that doesn't work ill contact you on discord.
It worked sorry for taking your time.
how do i push a friendship to being lovers? because i want to date the store clerk and I've tried everything but i don't know how to make us date
When you have selected her you just need to pick the "Ask" option and ask her if she would like to go on a date with you.
In order to push the friendship to Lover you need to complete a date successfully with a kiss.
for a succeful date do i need to also choose all the options that give most happiness? or is it like a small chance that she'll kiss me?
Oh yes, you definitely need to pick the right options through the date to increase the chances of getting a kiss. Also giving the right gift increases those chances.
ok thank you
How many collars does mooni have ?
There are 3 unique collars for her main quest, and 4 common collars after her main quest.
I can't access the new story it just says the old stuff
You mean when you try to start the latest event at the Library? If you're playing on the browser you may need to clear your browser's cache
How do you become skillful ?
What do you mean by "skillful"
When i try to talk to one of the characters it says you do not feel skillful enough to talk to them
Ooh, that means you need more Dexterity level, which you gain by jogging at the Park.
The latest version 0.2.3 now includes local saves suppport on a lot more browsers (including mobile)!
I can't go in to fullscreen mode on the official website, using opera GX.
U can't save either.
Hi Gabe! I gotta say I had never tried Opera GX, I just did and the game renders amazing!
I also tried on the official site and I was able to make the game fullscreen pressing F11, also Local saves are working properly after giving permission to the browser. I believe Opera GX runs on Chromium so it should behave pretty much the same as Chrome where I've done most of my tests.
Are you running the game on mobile by any chance?
I am.
Is there a way to save? I tried Edge, Chrome, and Opera GX but still can't :(
(might be just a me problem, idk)
No unfortunately there is no way to save locally if you play on mobile, sorry.
How to increase the mood more without losing too much energy when inviting a friend over to the house?
You gotta find out what's her favorite type of drink and food to get a Mood boost ;)
Are there any hints to their favorite food/drink?
Not right now unfortunately, that is planned to come some time later.
Right now you have to try different types of drinks until you find which one makes the difference.
I keep running out of energy way to quick to be able to do anything during the day
drink energy drink or coffee
How can I raise a friend to lover?
You have to invite them and succeed in at least 2 dates with them. Succeed meaning you get to kiss them.
I succeed 2 times but they rejected kiss
Gotta get the kiss! 😉
I suggest you raise the Charm level or wear Cologne
Hello. I was looking through your screenshots and noticed that you have white text on white background. Is it possible to add dark mode to your game or change text/background color if you don't know how to add dark mode yet? It would help those with bad eye sights who thinks this game looks interesting to play. A lot of Devs don't think about that sometimes and that's where they can get more people to play their games.
Hi there, that's a great suggestion! I've definitely added it to my list. Thank you so much for taking your time.
Can't local save game getting error
Failed to execute 'showDirectoryPicker' on 'Window'
Hope this can be fixed :)
Playing in Chrome
Thanks for reporting this DNChevy, will look into it now!
I'm getting the same error on chrome and edge, did try clearing browsing data but guessing this is a different issue to the ones below.
This is only the case on the version, the direct link is allowing a save
Hi DNChevy, unfortunately I have encountered this is a security issue when Itch embeds a web game it does not allow the browser to access the file system for the local saves to work.
My suggestion is if you're planning to use local saves to play directly from
Fair enough - Thank you for looking into it :)
Not working on Firefox Error code: SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT
Thanks for letting me know! Looking into it!
I believe this should be resolved, please give it another try. You may need to clear your cache/cookies.
Yep! Its working now, thanks for the quick response and fix.
seems to be broken
Looking into the reported issue!
Hi, if you had the same issue as the previous comment please give it another try. You may need to clear your cache/cookies.
Otherwise please let me know what was your issue, thanks!